Stockholm: Skansen Open Air Museum

     Today we visited the Stockholm: Skansen Open Air Museum. This was such a fun day! The park had so much to see and do. I love that it is a place for families and tourists to visit. I decided to spend grabbing some good food, authentic Swedish meatballs of course. Then my group and I headed to the Baltic Sea aquarium and then to the Nordic animal zoo. Both facilities were very entertaining. The aquarium had a few levels, with things for all ages to see. Downstairs, there were large tanks full of fish, including one with jelly fish. The zoo attracted a lot of guests. The Lynx perched on a rock attracted my attention. It almost seemed like the protective gate was too appeared like they could jump over at any moment. Alas, they seemed to be taking a peaceful afternoon nap...lucky.

    One of Sweden's most well-liked tourist destinations, Skansen is the oldest open-air museum in the world. With the intention of establishing a living museum that would conserve and showcase ancient Swedish customs, architecture, and lifestyles, Skansen was founded. The goal was to stop Sweden's fast urbanization and industrialization, which posed a danger to the nation's rural customs and ways of life. The museum features a variety of structures, including churches, workshops, and farmhouses. Skansen is essential to both cultural preservation and education. The museum provides the option of guided tours as well as other educational events for adults and children. By making history approachable and interesting, these activities aim to promote an awareness of Swedish history and heritage.

    This open air museum significantly contributes to Stockholm as a cultural capital. Sweden's architectural and cultural legacy is preserved by Skansen's large collection of historic structures and artifacts. Through the display of various periods and regions  inside Sweden, Skansen offers a thorough and concrete overview of the country's past. Also, immersion into culture is offered through live displays of traditional crafts, customs, and daily activities. In addition to teaching tourists about Swedish history, this preserves customs and talents. Through presenting a variety of Swedish history and culture, Skansen promotes mutual understanding. It allows guests to recognize the depth of Swedish ancestry and its contributions to world culture.



  1. Great post Laynee! This park was great for learning about the different types of people that came and settled in Sweden. I also like how you talk about how it preserves the talents of different people. I was able to learn so much there and I think it is great for a city to have a place like this for the public to learn about history in an interesting way.

  2. This is a great post, Laynee! I appreciate your point about the Skansen preserving historic structures and artifacts. There's something very special about the preservation of culture happening at the Skansen. By remembering their culture and keeping it alive, they are able to continue developing as a cultural capital.

  3. The buildings are a great way to preserve a physical part of the country’s history. The park being founded to slow the intense industrialization is a great way that Stockholm has become a cultural capital because they honor the past. People still have a connection to their roots here. This park is a way for Sweden to remember their ancestral heritage and integrate it into today.


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