5/12/24 Amsterdam Art Choice

    For Amsterdam's art choice I chose is nicknamed "The Night Watch" by Rembrandt van Rijn, located in Rijksmuseum. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I did not know much about the painting beforehand, but it was amazing to see in person. I was initially shocked at the size of the painting, it hung solely on the wall. The painting describes a militia group from Amsterdam. The painting depicts them in motion with guns loaded, finger pointing, and a drum in the right lower corner. The middle figures are painted lighter and contrast the shadowing of the outer figures. There is a little girl in the painting that is symbolic, although her meaning is subject to interpretation. She could either be a symbol for the militia itself or a symbol for the future of youth.

    This painting is historically and culturally important because it mainly shows the artistic achievements for the time period and Rembrandt's ability to use light and shadowing. The painting symbolizes Dutch patriotism and pride. It provides spectators with an inside view of the Amsterdam military during that time period. It reflects how artistic the community was at the time. The painting was commissioned by Captain Frans Banninck Cocq and is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It is one of the museums most prized artworks they display, located in the gallery of honor, where hundreds of tourists visit each day.

    This painting contributes to the city's status as a cultural capital because it symbolizes Amsterdam identity, military, and artistic ability. It is one of the most famous works of the Dutch Golden Age and attracts visitors, historians, and artists from all around the world. It is a large painting that demands the attention of its onlookers. The magnitude of the population that lists the Rijksmuseum strengthens the city's reputation and appeal. The museum's dedication to preserving this art piece shows its commitment to  preserving art and teaching people of all generations to appreciate it. It certainly attracted people of all different backgrounds when I visited.


  1. Really interesting post, Laynee! As you mention, the painting adds to Amsterdam being a cultural capital because of its symbolism. It also serves as a tourist attraction because of its fame and achievement. Many people come to see and appreciate "The Night Watch."

  2. Great! I agree with what you said about how it helps to strengthen Amsterdam's status as a cultural capital. I think that by having a great work of art, it create a source of pride for the city in their what their artists have produced. It also was important to the art of the time and important to the people today so it sure does bring in the tourists like you said!

  3. Love this! You mention some really great ways this painting adds to Amsterdam being a cultural capital. This painting definitely symbolizes the identity of Amsterdam, because the militia was a part of their history. It also shows how incredible art has been produced by their own artists and draws people from all over to admire it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I loved your blog post Laynee! I really enjoyed reading about how this painting symbolizes Dutch "patriotism and pride." I totally agree with you that the Rijksmuseum very much grows the quality of Amsterdam as a cultural capital. Having so many artists draws people to the museum, the city, and to learn about so many cultures. Great post!!

  6. Love your post Laynee! I really like how you talked about how it contributes to Amsterdam as a cultural capital by symbolizing their military power! I hadn't thought about it like that before and I think that is so interesting that it can symbolize different things/meanings for a culture. It also teaches people to appreciate art more through their preservation efforts.

  7. I really enjoyed reading your post Laynee! I really liked your third paragraph and totally agree that this painting symbolizes Amsterdam military and artistic skills. It shows what makes Amsterdam a cultural capital and that they really appreciate art. I also agree that the museum does help out people appreciate art out.


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