Berlin: Reichstag

      Today we visited the Berlin Reichstag building. This building holds great political and historical importance. The architecture has contrasting appearances, a Neo-renaissance style building and a modern glass dome in the middle. The front is embellished with sculptural decorations, including artwork, that represent aspects of German history, culture, and government. The glass dome above the Reichstag represents openness in government and allows natural light to enlighten the legislative rooms underneath. This signifies that the government has no secrets and the people rest above the legislatures. I was able to  ascend the dome on a spiraling ramp that gives panoramic views of the Berlin skyline which was very neat.

    The Reichstag is important historically and culturally for a few reasons, especially since it has served as the seat of the German parliament for several eras in history. It witnessed significant political events such as the passing of major legislation, discussions over Germany's future, and the establishment and fall of several political regimes, notably the Weimar Republic and the Nazi regime. The architecture further promotes Germany's dedication to providing transparency in government and learning from ugly moments in history. As the seat of government, the Reichstag represents Germany's democracy, national identity, and perseverance in the face of historical downfalls and difficulties.

    This building is a big contribution to Berlin as a city. During the Cold War, the building stood near the Berlin Wall, representing Germany and Europe's divide. Following German reunification in 1990, it became a symbol of togetherness and democracy for the newly unified nation. In addition, the Reichstag represents Germany's complicated history as the location of the German parliament over numerous political eras, including the stormy times of the Weimar Republic, Nazi Germany, and postwar division. There are guided or self guided tours visitors can go on while there that provide opportunities to learn about the building's history. The ramp circling up the building offers visitors with amazing views of Berlin as well.


  1. This is a fabulous post! I love how you talked about the history of the building and how that contributed to Berlin's status as a cultural capital. This building saw both world wars, the cold war and the berlin wall, and democracy! You saying that the building is a symbol of togetherness is a great concept! I think cultural capitals have to be united. If they are not then things just don’t work the way they should. This building represents democracy and how they got to that point.

  2. Great post, Laynee!! I really like how you talked about the history of the building and how that contributed to the impact that it has today. I think this building and the dome specifically do such a great job at showing political transparency, and the importance of democracy!


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