Stockholm: Greta Thunberg

     Today along our walk, we decided to talk about Greta Thunberg. I had a little bit of knowledge about her; I knew she was an activist and held a lot of protests. We learned that from a young age, she challenged political leaders to take action against human-caused climate change. In our preparation class, I recall hearing that she would skip school in order to protest, hoping for stronger action by the European government. She started a movement on Fridays where students would skip school in order to protest. This strike gained national attentions and students from all over began participating. An interesting fact about Greta is that she also has a form of autism, making her one of the first female, neurodivergent activists.

    Greta Thunberg is a great example of a powerful figure. To note, being a woman alone is not easy, let alone being a famous female with a voice, a loud one too. Greta is known around the world for her powerful dedication to the climate change cause. She has been arrested and mocked for doing what she believes is right-promoting a healthier future. She brought global attention to the crisis of climate change! She inspired millions of young people to demand change from political leaders. Her activism has shown that youth voices can be heard. She has started global discourse on the actions people can take to reduce carbon emissions.

    I think Greta has been commemorated well in some ways, and could be commemorated better in others. In Sweden, she has been praised with many national honors in appreciation of her work in environmental advocacy. These include recognition from the Swedish government and awards from environmental groups in Sweden. The most important kind of recognition is perhaps the impact that Greta had on Swedish climate policy. However, making sure these laws are properly put into practice and provide tangible environmental benefits is the difficult part. I think educational institutions or nonprofits in her honor would boost her commemoration, for sure.


  1. Loved getting to read your blog post on Greta! It is cool to learn about such a young girl. I think her age is one of the biggest things that stands in her way. She is unable to be taken seriously by people because they think that she is too young. Clearly because Greta is in our day and age this obstacle is still around.

  2. Laynee, this was a great post about Greta Thunberg! I feel that learning more about Greta, does help deepen my understanding of Stockholm as a cultural capital. Protecting the environment and raising awareness of the climate crisis is so important to Greta and she has helped to make changes in Sweden and visiting parliament there helped me to understand her achievements a little better.

  3. Great post Laynee! Learning about Greta thunberg helps deepen our understanding of Stockholm as a cultural capital by showing what is important to Stockholm. She shows that the environment should be important to a city and she brought that to Stockholm. Since she is so young, she bring the younger generation into the picture and makes them feel apart of the city. She shows that we should care about where we live and we should make it a livable place for everyone.

  4. Exploring Greta's story has deepened my appreciation of Stockholm as a cultural capital. Her dedication to environmental protection and raising awareness about the climate crisis has made a significant impact in Sweden. Visiting parliament in Stockholm provided me with a clearer understanding of her accomplishments and how they resonate within Swedish society.


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