5/3/24 Simone de Beauvoir

    I've studied the works of novelist, philosopher, and trailblazing feminist Simone de Beauvoir during our trip. Her unwavering support for women's rights and her strong intelligence are remarkable. Her bravery in defying expectations and pushing limits fascinates me. The outstanding contributions made by Simone de Beauvoir have a lasting impact on existential philosophy and feminist debate that goes well beyond her lifetime. Her groundbreaking book, "The Second Sex," continues to be an essential piece of feminist writing and has sparked crucial discussions around gender freedom and equality. She continues to motivate generations to question, confront, and work toward a more just society through her words and actions. 

    The great influence Simone de Beauvoir had on society, especially in questioning long-standing gender stereotypes and fighting for women's rights, makes her contribution noteworthy. Her major essay, "The Second Sex," transformed society's understanding of gender roles and ignited a worldwide feminist movement. Her analysis of the social structures that support the subordination of women served as a foundation for feminist action and thought.  De Beauvoir's impact extends beyond the boundaries of her nation, influencing conversations on gender equality around the globe. Her influence continues to drive advancements in feminist theory, public perceptions, and laws intended to achieve gender equality and liberty. 

    In my opinion, Simone de Beauvoir has been properly honored with a variety of memorials, including monuments, streets, and schools bearing her name. These actions are meaningful remembrances of her lasting influence and her contributions to existential philosophy and feminism. A significant approach to honor her accomplishments is to name landmarks in her honor since it guarantees that her concepts endure and are available to future generations. Honoring her exceptional legacy in this way is praiseworthy as it not only signifies society's awareness of her value but also keeps encouraging action and conversation towards attaining social justice and gender equality.


  1. I loved your blog post Laynee!! I totally agree that she pushed the limits of feminism and women's rights. This was such a big obstacle in her day and age, but she really made a difference. I like to believe that the challenges of women in academia and their educational opportunities are equal to mens in the United States, but I know that is not the case in many countries around the world. Great blog post describing the influence she had and what she had to push through to pave the way for women like us to work and get an education!

  2. This is such a good post! I love how you mention how Simone De Beauvoir dealt with being a pioneer of certain feminist ideas. She faced so many struggles and blocks on her path but ended up pushing through them and becoming a feminist icon for all to see. These obstacles that Simone de Beauvoir faced definitely still exist today, even in the 21st century, the opportunities for men and women are still severely uneven and equality does not look like it is on the horizon.

  3. I love this! It is well written! I definitely agree that her contributions were great and I know that because she sparked these discussions like you said, not everyone agreed with her. One of the road blocks she faced was lack of support. Even though she pointed out problems, there were not changed overnight. People now who push for more equality often experience some pushback but I think society has made so much awesome progress and show keep working towards being better. I love how you pointed out all the ways she has been commemorated because she really did add culture to her city. She brought new ideas and dicussions. And, she brought about change. She had a huge impact!

  4. Laynee, your content here is great! I love looking at these iconic feminist figures and wondering how they did all they accomplished. How might we as women first identify the importance of her philosophies but then take it even further and share it? Her contributions are long-lasting and spread far from Paris, so how can we make sure her legacy lives on even past her monuments? I think these answers could help expand your responses to the final questions!

  5. You slayed this one girly! The Second Sex truly is one of the most important pieces of feminist literature and I in particular like that it wasn't just calling out men but women too! And I think that that is something we need to keep in mind today, that men aren't just inherently the 'bad guys' but that sometimes our problems are self inflicted and we need to do something personally to improve our situations.

  6. Loved your thoughts! I think Simone deepens our understanding of Paris as a cultural capital as she pulled in more women especially through her feminist activism. Through this more people were drawn to Paris! I do think there were people who didn’t agree with her like you said which may complicate Paris being a cultural capital. But, overall she was an icon for the culture of Paris.


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