5/5/24 Paris Woman: Your Choice

    Vigée Le Brun was a prominent portrait painter and one of the few women accepted into the French Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. Her portraits, characterized by their elegance and refinement, captured the personality of her subjects with sensitivity and skill. Vigée Le Brun's paintings, including her iconic self-portraits and portraits of French royalty and aristocracy, are celebrated for their technical mastery and depth. Her works offer insights into the glitz and glamour of the era. In the Louvre, Vigée Le Brun's paintings are showcased alongside those of her male co-artists, underscoring her significant contribution to the artistic landscape of her time and highlighting the importance of recognizing women artists in art history. Her presence in one of the world's most renowned museums serves as a testament to her talent and enduring legacy as a pioneering female painter.
    In addition, infamous Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun's contribution is crucial for several reasons. As one of the few female painters recognized in the 18th century, she shattered gender barriers in the art world, paving the way for future generations of women artists. Her exquisite portraits, marked by technical skill and emotionality, challenged conventions and expanded the possibilities of art. Through her work, Vigée Le Brun challenged societal norms surrounding women's roles and capabilities, creating conversations about gender equality and artistic merit. Her legacy continues to inspire women in the arts, fostering a more inclusive and diverse art world.
       In my opinion, Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun has been commemorated adequately, although perhaps not as extensively as some other historical figures. The presence of her works in prestigious institutions like the Louvre ensures that her talent and legacy are preserved and celebrated. However, dedicating more physical spaces or institutions in her honor, such as schools or streets, could further elevate her recognition and inspire future generations. Overall, while she has received commendable recognition, expanding efforts could better highlight her contributions and serve as a fitting tribute to her enduring influence on art history. I appreciated the opportunity to learn about her and her influence.


  1. Interesting blog, Laynee! You mention how Vigée Le Brun challenged societal norms and shattered gender barriers in the art world. I'd be curious to hear more about how she did this. It might be helpful to think about how women were typically perceived during that time and the role Vigee Le Brun plays in a possible new narrative. I think it would be worth diving deeper into how her work was so influential, especially as it pertains to both art and women during her time. It could be nice to see a contrast between the norms during her time and then hear more about what exactly she did to change the perspective of women (in art).

  2. HEYYYYY LAYNEE!! Great post!! One thing I thought about was how a lot of the women we look at face the challenges of misogyny, but I think le Brun faced some really interesting challenges being in the French court. Painter for Marie Antoinette, I thought about the Sofia Coppola film depicting Marie herself navigating the court and how other women were trying to navigate the expectations of the court. Le Brun defied gender roles and dealt with the high school esque drama of the court with people talking bad about her smiling in her self portrait etc. I think she is such a cool example of someone who refused to fit in but still found a way to be accepted.


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