5/19/24 Madrid Woman: Your Choice

     For my Madrid woman of choice, I decided to write about Emilia Pardo-Bazán. She is an amazing woman who I felt very inspired by. She was born in North West Spain abut eventually moved to Madrid. She was an author, feminist, and journalist. She had an immense impact on Spain! She fought for women's rights for education. As a professor, she was met with severe hostility from her male coworkers. They did not respect her credentials or the fact that she was a professor. Students who dared to go to her class risked receiving bad grades from their male teachers.

    She was important for several reasons and is inspiring to me. She advocated for women's rights and broke barriers by becoming a woman professor. She fought for intellectual freedom, challenged social norms, inspired others to fight for their rights. She helped pave the way for future writers not only in Spain but around the world. She was an important woman figure, one who fought for what she believed in. Her writing was excellent and pushed others to converse about what she wrote.

    In my opinion, she has been commemorated well. Her statue was in good view from a busy town street, large in stature. These commemorations help recognize her achievements and cause people to ask questions and learn about who she was, what she did, and how we can learn from her! She is best known for her feminist work, including talking about talking about the lives and struggles of women. She emphasized the need for reform in society in accepting women as intellectuals. Her legacy continues to live on in the memorials dedicated to her. I think she is an amazing woman who deserves the praise.


  1. Love this! I feel like she deepens our understanding of Madrid as a cultural captial because we better see the obstacles that women faced. At the same time we see the progress that has been made. In academics women can be intellectuals now. I love that she has a statue in a more busy place, like you said, so that people can remember her!

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  3. This totally helps me understand the obstacles she went through. She faced touch criticism from critics which was mostly because of her gender. Despite how knowledgeable she was, she was denied professorship at the university of Madrid because she was a woman. She tried very hard to advocate for women's rights and education which challenged the norms of her time.

  4. Ellie, your writing on Emilia Pardo-Bazan is really engaging. Emilia did so much during her lifetime as outlined by your writing above, and her contributions were great. The active action that Emilia made to improve education, increase women's rights, and challenge social expectations deepened my understanding of her city as a cultural capital because it has a more rich history in the personal lives of women working in advocacy.


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