5/19/24 Madrid Art: Your Choice

     For my Madrid art choice, I decided to write about the Guernica de Picasso. Located in the Reina Sofia museum, it attracted several tourists. It is a massive painting, done in black, white, and grey shades. The painting wad abstract, and showed dramatic, nontraditional figures. It showcases the horrible events of the bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War-including flames and a dead baby. The color scheme appeared to emphasize the horrible events occurring. I think it aims to focus on the events that are happening, rather than the art itself. The images overlap which causes confusion for the spectators, making them think about the images occurring.

    This painting is extremely important. It was created in response to the bombing of Guernica by Fascist air forces. It serves as a symbol of the tradegies committed during the war and the lives that were lost. It's one of the most famous anti-war paintings in existence. The painting is a masterpiece of modern art. Picasso did an excellent job of implementing different figures to showcase the fatalities caused, including but not limited to, a woman in terror, a dismembered soldier, and a mother wailing over her dead child. The large scale of the painting left me in awe of the scenes occurring, making me want to analyze every image.

    To conclude, the "Guernica" elevates the Reina Sofia's status as a museum as it is one of the most famous paintings in Spain and attracts visitors from all over. The museum was able to provide information about the context, time period, and artist from this painting, allowing visitors to have context as to what they're looking. Most importantly, the painting allows for conversation and education to occur about the Spanish Civil War and the suffering that was opposed on civilians. It gives an abstract perspective from Picasso about different details of the time period and how war affects people negatively.



  1. I love this post and this art of post. This painting really shows the culture and and history of Spain because it shows the Spanish civil war. This war was so integral to the history of Spain and effected most of the world. This painting specifically was so important to show the war in a way that caused the viewer to be more imaginative.

  2. Nice post, Laynee! Guernica has such an emotional and educational significance and this contributes to Madrid's status as a cultural capital. The artwork's powerful and horrifying nature captures Spain's complicated history. By addressing this, we get a better sense of Spain and its history through this emotional work of art.


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