5/12/24 Amsterdam Woman Choice

     Alida Bosshardt was a Dutch Salvation Army officer. She was known for dedicating her efforts to the marginalized in society, fighting for their rights. She advocated for sex workers, the homeless, and more. In addition, her nickname, Major Bosshardt, was because of her rank in the Salvation Army. She had an amazing role in the army and influenced many. She worked tirelessly throughout her career to help the marginalized communities, offering a source of strength and support to those in need. She spoke out against discrimination and earned respect in the Netherlands for her status of helping those in need.

    Her work had a direct and positive impact on the lives of many. She dedicated her life to helping those who couldn't help themselves. She provided countless individuals with resources, hope, and care. She helped work to humanize the homeless, addicts, and sex workers. She fought against common stereotypes and stigmas. This in turn created an influential effect on her community. As an important member of the Salvation Army, she sought to reshape the organization's role in their outreach and social work. She became an important member in Netherlands for decades to come and her compassion and dedication left on notable mark on dutch society.

    In my opinion, I do think Alida Bosshardt is commemorated well. I was able to see the bench where her statue sits and the bridge named after her. A fellow student commented that her 2 memorials symbolized the intertwining of both areas of town. The streets and the red light district. These commemorations serve as a reminder of her hard work and influence she had on Amsterdam and the lives she's changed. To sum it up, these physical memorials spark dialogue for locals and tourists and they can learn about her and physically have the reminder of her presence in Amsterdam.


  1. I agree that she had many things that she had many different conflicts and obstacles. The things she was fighting for were not things that others cared about. All of these things are still issues in our life today.

    Learning about this woman helps us to understand what Amsterdam came to care about because of this woman.

  2. During her time, people cared very little how the homeless and sex workers were treated. So, Bosshardt's had to work against the grain to make a change in society. And these issues haven't gone away today, but Bosshardt's work to improve the lives of sex workers did make a change in the right direction.

    The Red Light District (and common practices there) adds to Amsterdam's status as a cultural status. So, by learning about Bosshardt, we can see the influence she had in the city, and what a major role she played. Her work toward sex workers and and the homeless is important in understanding Amsterdam and its history.


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