Stockholm Art: Your Choice

     Today I visited the Moderna Muset in Stockholm, right by our hostel. Before entering, our group had a discussion about modern art. Why is it so controversial? The confusion was because it's meant for our own interpretation most of the time, and that's what causes division. For my art of choice, I decided to focus on one room that was an interactive experience. It was a dark room, with a large bed in the middle, facing a tv screen playing a film. The room was open for visitors to lay on, and most of the group took advantage of this opportunity. What I thought was interesting though was that I felt like I was a part of the art, and that was the designer's attention all along. 

        I think this room is important culturally for a couple reasons. The placard gave me some context about the idea behind the room's theme. It shared that often times it was/is typical for artists to put their most beloved work in their bedroom, hence the bedroom theme. The placard continued to share information about Henri Matisse. The film depicts his theme of what he called "Jazz." "Jazz" was made in the last years of Matisse's life, when health problems prevented him from painting as much, therefore he turned to cut-outs to occupy his time. The 20 color prints in the series are stencil prints that are copies of the paper cutouts that were first made as models. They have theatrical and circus elements. The series, which is regarded as a masterpiece, perfectly captures Matisse's passion about the potential of form and color.

    This exhibit in the Moderna Muset contributes to the city as a cultural capital because mainly, modern art is on the rise, making it a popular destination to visit and look at. More artists are experimenting with these form of expression and the "Jazz" showcase room is inspiring and immerses visitors in the art.     "Jazz" serves to further establish Moderna Museet as a prominent center for modern and contemporary art. The museum's ability to acquire and display such significant pieces is a testament to the standard of its creation. Local artists are bound to be inspired by Matisse's inventive methods, particularly his use of cut-outs. The local art community can be and will be drawn to innovate and be creative when exposed to such groundbreaking work.



  1. Great blog post Laynee!!! I think that this museum contributes to Stockholm as a cultural capital since it contains modern art which is for sure on the rise! I loved the jazz showcase room and all of the inspiring work it gave, and I think it is a great place for people to come and experience a different realm of art.


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