5/9/24 Balinese Food Post

     Today I had the opportunity to eat Balinese food! We entered a dim lit restaurant with Balinese inspired decor and artwork . Metal heated pans were laid out in front of us, and different dishes were presented on them. The food selection consisted of chickens skewers, lamb, rice, and a vegetable, curry-like dish. The food had bold colors and flavors. There was an array of ingredients included in each dish, ranging from colorful vegetables to spicy spices. I loved the vegetable mixture, including boiled peas, cabbage, and carrots. The variety of tastes and ingredients found in Balinese cuisine was seen in these meals.

    The history of Balinese food in Amsterdam stems back to the colonial era of the Netherlands. The Dust East Indies was a Dutch colony. The colony was influenced by different cultures and were introduced to new cuisines. Balinese food, as well as other Indonesian cuisines, gained popularity in the Netherlands throughout time. As people from Indonesia migrated to the Netherlands, their cuisine followed and rooted Balinese food in Amsterdam. This is important because it signifies the Netherlands as a multicultural hub of different types of foods and flavors. It is a reminder of the historical exchange of cultures between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

    Balinese food is an important part of Amsterdam for several reasons. It provides locals and visitors with  the opportunity to try delicious flavors from Bali, Indonesia. This culinary experiences strengthens Amsterdam's reputation as a culinary hub. By offering international dishes, Amsterdam is showing its openness to other cultures and provides a wide variety of food options. Amsterdam's appeal as tourist destination is enhanced by Balinese food because it adds exotic and foreign flavors to coexist with traditional dishes and allows visitors to try cultural dishes! Finally, it encourages appreciation and understanding for Balinese culture, further enriching Amsterdam as a capital.


  1. This is such a descriptive post Laynee, I loved reading it! In your final paragraph you talk about how the presence of Balinese food in Amsterdam shows that Amsterdam is a. cultural and culinary hub, I completely agree with this! Cultural capitals should have ideas and flavors from all over the world, which Amsterdam definitely has.

  2. Really great post Laynee! I like how you said that this Indonesian restaurant encourages understanding of Indonesian culture. It also encourages appreciation, as ethnic restaurants normally do. It's interesting how a culture colonizing another can now result in a positive thing by bringing this mix of diverse cultures to Amsterdam.


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