5/16/24 Madrid: Toledo Cathedral

     Today I was able to visit the Toledo Cathedral in Spain. The cathedral was a massive structure that captured my attention immediately. It was white, though more cream/gray after years of wear, and had pointed arches and intricate designs, much like gothic style. There were a numerous amount of columns on the outside as well as spikes on the top of the tower. The inside was absolutely gorgeous. It was filled with artwork, decorations, and biblical references. It took awhile to walk around due to the massive size of the building, but the walk was worth it! I particularly loved the biblical paintings as it is a joy to see how other religions remember Christ, most of them were in alliance with what our church believes, so that made me happy to see our common belief. 

    In addition, the Toledo Cathedral is historically important because it is an example of the rich religious and artistic history of Toledo. The cathedral had several amazing, beautiful art pieces, including works by El Grecco. Its outside appearance is a great example of Gothic architecture, and shows the amazing design during that time period. Still offering church services, this cathedral is still an important place of worship for Catholics. As a major religious site for tourists and scholars, it continues to show Toledo's deep religious history and architecture. It preserves old traditions and sparks conversations about its history and artistry. 

    To conclude, the Toledo Cathedral significantly enhances the city's status as a cultural capital. Although it is a Catholic place of worship, it is just one of many Christian, Muslim, and Jewish religious sites, representing Toledo's ability to coexist in different religions. The cathedral houses amazing art and design that shows the cultural history of Toledo and showcases its Catholic roots. It is a major tourist attraction that accepts hundreds of tourists everyday. It contributes to the economy and tourism aspect of Toledo and is a major site people travel far and wide to see. Many events are held there that boost Toledo's cultural traditions and community. 


  1. Laynee this was such a great post, I loved reading it!! I especially loved how you pointed out that this is not just a Catholic cathedral, but also one with Christian, Muslim, and Jewish roots. This shows how much a melting pot Madrid and Toledo really are and how much the cities both value culture and religious acceptance. Yes, there were rocky parts in history, but now Spain has reached a state of acceptance and is a beautiful blend of cultures. Again, great post Laynee!!

  2. Great Post! I definitely agree that this cathedral really shows alot of the catholic roots of this city. I like how you mention that it has beautiful artwork inside. I feel that the beauty in art and architecture is a huge part of culture because it draws people in, it inspires, and it showcases history! Worshipers and visitors alike want to see what is inside. People come to see this cathedral and therefore it is contributing to its status as a cultural capital.


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